One-to-One support

Find out how we can help you, whether you need quick answers to technology questions, would like ongoing support from a technology expert or are not yet sure of exactly what type of support you need.

One-to-One Support

The AlphaPlus team works one-to-one with adult literacy educators and administrators in Ontario, helping you integrate technology into your teaching or program administration. Find out how we can help you, whether you need quick answers to technology questions, would like ongoing support from a technology expert or are not yet sure of exactly what type of support you need!

Technology coaching

Would you like to work with an expert by your side as you tackle your technology vision or challenge? Find out how an AlphaPlus coach can support you through the process of integrating technology to improve learners’ experiences or advance your business practices.

Quick tech help

Are you stuck on a minor technology problem, such as designing a quiz or sharing files in a way that’s accessible but secure? Don’t lose time struggling with digital technology — we can help you address your challenge in minutes by troubleshooting via email or working through your problems over a phone or video call. We specialize in using technology in the adult literacy setting and have probably helped others through the same situation! Contact us to get quick tech help and get unstuck.

Custom solutions

Are you unsure about which AlphaPlus service is the right approach for you? Talk with us about your technology vision, challenge or frustration and we’ll help you move forward in a way that fits your situation. Contact us to set up a consultation and we’ll guide you to the right solution or co-create one with you.