Access to Technology

AlphaPlus works with partners to:

  • Shed light on the ways in which digital inequalities affect literacy and basic skills learners.
  • Develop strategies and resources to support policy-makers and program staff, learners and volunteers to bridge the divide in pragmatic and systemic ways.

The digital divide reflects inequalities 

The disparity of opportunity between those who have abundant digital resources — devices for various purposes, adequate broadband capacity and a network of support — and those who do not reflects social inequalities driven by income, age, education level and race.

The digital divide has an impact on individuals

At work, as citizens and in their daily lives, people without seamless access to digital technology are less able to:

  • Curate resources and networks.
  • Communicate.
  • Access resources, services and opportunities.
  • Collaborate.
  • Develop and maintain essential networks.

The digital divide has a ripple effect

For example, people who aren’t able to participate in government consultations don’t have their perspectives included in research, which means government initiatives are less inclusive and effective.

Digital exclusion is also civic exclusion

Literacy practitioners know that limited access to technology can create insurmountable barriers for lifelong learners in Ontario.

Learn more about how to address the issue of access to technology.

The Digital Inclusion Playbookarrow

Learn more about how the digital divide extends beyond access to technology and is fundamentally about the ability to benefit from it in a new paper co-written by Christine Pinsent-Johnson, one of our staff, and former staff member, Matthias Sturm.

Adult Education: The Missing Piece to Bridging the Digital Dividearrow

Related Publications

The Digital Inclusion Playbook

The Digital Inclusion Playbook is filled with ideas, information and resources you can use to support local digital inclusion efforts.

Administrator Resources

LBS Digital Capacity Project (2021-2022)

The Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development (MLTSD) contracted Contact North | Contact Nord and AlphaPlus to: Engage and…


The impact of Ontario’s digital divide

The overview looks beyond average household internet connections and highlights the way the digital divide has a direct impact on…


Digital Access, Inclusion and Learning in Community Adult Literacy Centres

In 2018, AlphaPlus looked at how LBS eligibility criteria and enrolment targets can interfere with…


Digital Opportunities and Barriers for Ontario’s Disconnected Adults

Wondering what the research says about equitable digital access and learning opportunities for the adults…


Digital Opportunities Review

This project explores what it means to be an inclusive and digitally enabled province, and to support Ontario’s vision for…


Assessment Challenges, Contradictions and Inequities: An analysis of the use…

Assessment Challenges, Contradictions and Inequities: An analysis of the use of digital technology and OALCF…


Incorporating Digital Technologies in Adult Basic Education: Concepts, Practices and…

The report explores the following four themes: How digital technology is shaping and transforming literacy…


Social Networking Sites and Adult Literacy: Raising the Issues

Social Networking Sites and Adult Literacy Learning: Raising the Issues, explores how educators and adult…


Crossing the Great Divides

154 learners ranging in age from 27 to 39 participated in this research study, developing and piloting distance and online learning delivery models for adult basic education (ABE) programs in Ontario, Canada. Almost three-quarters of the participants were women, the preferred language of two-thirds of the participants was English, and half of the learners were not employed at the time…

See all Access to Technology resources green arrow right

Other Areas of Work

Blended Learning

A blended learning approach is one that extends the application of adult learning principles to meet the changing needs of 21st-century life.

Learn more about a Blended Learning approacharrow

Improving the Literacy System

Focusing on people rather than systems acknowledges that relationships are a key component of learning outcomes.

Learn more about a people-first system arrow