
The AlphaPlus team works with external advisors to enhance our knowledge and draw upon multiple perspectives. 

Do you have expertise or perspectives to share that would enhance our work and approach?

Contact Alan Cherwinski, executive director, at to learn how you can contribute as an AlphaPlus advisor.

We work with advisors to…

  • Access knowledge from outside the Ontario literacy and basic skills (LBS) sector. We connect with advisors from other provinces, countries or disciplines involved in educational technology.
  • Get teachers’ perspectives. While we support literacy instructors, we don’t work with learners directly — we tap into insights that only teachers can provide.
  • Look for new ways of addressing common challenges. We often share aspects of our mission with people or organizations working in different spaces.
  • Diversify our perspectives. We’re a small team, so external advisors allow us to consider a more representative range of viewpoints.

How we work with advisors

Our advisors provide us with guidance and practical advice related to policy, research, knowledge mobilization, social justice and capacity building. We seek the input of researchers, policy analysts, instructors, technology change experts and others, who act as advisors, reviewers, evaluators and more. Most of our advisors combine their areas of expertise with past and current front-line experience as tutors, instructors and program co-ordinators in adult literacy education.

people working at board to solve a problem
people working at board to solve a problem

Who we work with

Wayfinders Studio

See how literacy educators are innovating through experimenting, piloting and reflecting on how digital technology can enhance learning.

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Case Studies

Learn what digital technology has made possible for instructors and administrators working in adult literacy education in Ontario and how AlphaPlus has helped.

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