Training & Workshops

Our workshops cover a wide range of topics, including:

  • Overviews and demonstrations of emerging digital tools and resources.
  • How adult educators are using technology in creative ways.
  • Building learning experiences in technology-rich environments.
  • Hands-on, collaborative experiences where you can stretch and apply your digital skills.

Events planned for 2024-2025

Community of Practice

Makerspace 2024

At the AlphaPlus Educator Makerspace, we combine the craft of teaching with newer technologies to make things that elevate teaching and learning. We choose a teaching craft and match it to a technology and then get together to tinker and experiment. Each year we choose a theme and a technology that matches that theme. This year our theme is Empowering Learners with Choice (Differentiated Learning) and our technology is Docs, Slides and Forms (we will demonstrate in Google but you can use 365 as well).

We will meet each month for six months starting mid-October.
Registration link coming soon.

Networking and sharing events

Virtual Showcases

At each Virtual Showcase, adult literacy program co-ordinators and instructors share how they are using digital tools to connect and work with learners and colleagues. There are four Showcases per year between May and November. You can drop into one event, come for a few or join the entire series. See what happened at previous Showcases here: The Showcase Collection.

Save the dates

The fall showcases have been scheduled:

  • Tuesday, October 22, from 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. – topic to come
  • Tuesday, November 19, from 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. – topic to come

Workshops and training series

Digital Accessibility for Educators

A series of workshops about accessibility in three different learning environments.

  • Ten Key Practices for Accessible Content Creation – Discover ten essential practices and tools that elevate the accessibility of your content.
  • Revolutionizing Accessibility with AI – Explore the transformative effects of artificial intelligence (AI) in making digital content accessible.
  • Exploring Accessibility Features Across Platforms – Acquaint yourself with the top five accessibility features across each platform: PC, Apple, and Google.

We think this works best when people can attend most sessions in a series.

Save the dates: Fridays November 8, 15 and 22 from 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
Registration link coming soon.

Building digital skills with AI

A series of 3 workshops using various AI (artificial intelligence) tools and apps (such as ChatGPT) to foster communication and collaboration with learners.

We think this works best when people can attend most sessions. Participants are provided with recordings and slide decks in case they miss a session or need to review.

Save the dates: Wednesdays November 27, December 4 and December 11 from 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Registration link coming soon.

Building digital skills with Google

A series of workshops using the Google Toolbox and Google Classroom to foster communication and collaboration with learners.

We think this works best when people can attend most sessions. Participants are provided with recordings and slide decks in case they miss a session or need to review. Workshop outlines are here.

Quick Tech Help

Don’t struggle. Ask us your just-in-time tech questions and we’ll find the answer that works best for you.

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Technology Coaching

Work with us to develop innovative technology solutions that effectively advance your program objectives.

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Custom Solutions

Whatever your challenge, conundrum or vision, we’ll help you move forward in a way that fits.

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