
AlphaPlus offers a range of training options, from foundational concepts to timely topics, choose from the options below to support your professional development.


Would you like to access learning and skill-building opportunities designed specifically for adult literacy educators and administrators in Ontario? AlphaPlus offers a range of training options, from foundational concepts to timely topics, choose from the options below to support your professional development.

We are currently offering one option in this category.

Workshops and training series

Are you looking for ways to stay up to date on technology, tools and approaches to integrating technology into your adult literacy program? We offer technology training in a variety of formats on a range of topics — often in response to needs identified by literacy professionals like you. Learn more about our training series, workshops and webinars designed to enhance your digital skills and toolkit. 

Networking Events

Connect with fellow adult literacy educators and program administrators in Ontario

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One-to-One Support

Work with us to develop innovative technology solutions that effectively advance your program objectives.

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Communities of Practice

Discover the communities of practice and get ready to meet, explore, work and create alongside your peers.

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