26 July 2022
Digital technology for learning website
Frameworks, approaches and theoretical foundations relevant to adult literacy.
Educator Resources
This package of instructional resources was developed in 2012 and includes sample tasks and learning activities to support practitioners using digital technology in Literacy and Basic Skills (LBS) programs within the context of the Ontario Adult Literacy Curriculum Framework (OALCF).
As this is an older document, you may find the links to resources have become outdated.
The sample tasks and learning activities are organized by theme:
Package 1 (PDF) includes:
Package 2 (PDF) includes:
These instructional resources were developed in collaboration with Anne-Marie Kaskens and Tracey Mollins. Instructors and learners at The Literacy Group of Waterloo Region reviewed many of the tasks and provided valuable feedback. We thank them all for their invaluable support.