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Internet tips

Open educational resources (OER) collection

Explore our fully vetted collection of workbooks, modules and activities that address a range of instructional topics.

Educator Resources

Virtual Showcase: Using texting to engage with learners 

Using social media to reach, teach and connect with learners and partners

Educator Resources

Virtual Showcase: Using social media to reach, teach and connect…

Using social media to reach, teach and connect with learners and partners

Administrator Resources

What is ChatGPT?

Information about ChatGPT and other AI tools and resources for educators.

Educator Resources

What is Magic Write in Canva?

Have you heard about AI text generator in Canva? Simply start a Doc in Canva and use + symbol to…

Educator Resources

Educator Network: Resources we love

A digital toolbox by and for Ontario literacy educators – blended learning resources, activities and tools that practitioners are recommending.

Educator Resources

Curated Resources: Create your own collection

We can help you collect and share resources with learners, staff or volunteers.

Educator Resources

Curating Resources in Adult Literacy

Develop curation strategies for teaching and with learners.

Educator Resources

App Store Tips

Today, there are 2 million applications available in the App Store. That can make it tough to find the right…

Educator Resources