AlphaPlus curated a collection of shareable, free and high-quality learning materials that adult literacy educators can use to enhance their personal and program collections. 

Learning materials

The collection is divided into five sections for learners working at Ontario Adult Literacy Curriculum Framework (OALCF) Levels 1 and 2:

  1. Reading texts
  2. Practice tasks and writing
  3. Numeracy and mathematics 
  4. Professional learning and how-to guides
  5. Creating, modifying and analyzing your own materials


We looked for materials that could be copied, printed or posted in online and offline environments. This means you can add materials to a website or learning management platform, attach them to an email or share them with learners in Google Drive. They can also be printed. In addition, some materials are templates or permit adaptations, allowing you to build and modify materials for your own use. Copyright information and Creative Commons licensing details are included for all materials.

This site is for people in the ACE* or Adult Upgrading programs at Ontario Literacy and Basic Skills (LBS) programs who want to upgrade their computer skills in preparation for post-secondary education. We made this site especially for people in programs that do not include digital skills upgrading on site.

It is a companion to the Post-secondary digital skills readiness assessment developed by the College Sector Committee for Adult Upgrading and AlphaPlus.

Learners can use this site on their own or educators can use the site as a resource to develop a digital skills curriculum.

*ACE – Academic and Career Entrance program

AlphaPlus curated a collection of shareable, free and high-quality learning materials that adult literacy educators can use to enhance their personal and program collections. 

Learning materials

The collection is divided into five sections for learners working at Ontario Adult Literacy Curriculum Framework (OALCF) Levels 1 and 2:

  1. Reading texts
  2. Practice tasks and writing
  3. Numeracy and mathematics 
  4. Professional learning and how-to guides
  5. Creating, modifying and analyzing your own materials


We looked for materials that could be copied, printed or posted in online and offline environments. This means you can add materials to a website or learning management platform, attach them to an email or share them with learners in Google Drive. They can also be printed. In addition, some materials are templates or permit adaptations, allowing you to build and modify materials for your own use. Copyright information and Creative Commons licensing details are included for all materials.

Download a PDF version below or click here to open the collection in your Google Drive.

This package of instructional resources was developed in 2012 and includes sample tasks and learning activities to support practitioners using digital technology in Literacy and Basic Skills (LBS) programs within the context of the Ontario Adult Literacy Curriculum Framework (OALCF).

As this is an older document, you may find the links to resources have become outdated.

The sample tasks and learning activities are organized by theme:

Package 1 (PDF) includes:

Package 2 (PDF)  includes:

These instructional resources were developed in collaboration with Anne-Marie Kaskens and Tracey Mollins. Instructors and learners at The Literacy Group of Waterloo Region reviewed many of the tasks and provided valuable feedback. We thank them all for their invaluable support.

This workbook allows learners to collect information about their employment goals and about the world of work. They identify skills they need to work on to reach their goals. They will find information about different kinds of training and learn some ways to find, save, and use information about jobs.

Developed as part of the Skills at Work set, this workbook explores common entry-level jobs and how literacy, numeracy, and technical skills are used at work.

Other resources in this series:

Skills at Work: Workbook 2

Skills at Work: Practitioner Guide

Skills at Work: Guide to Workforce Literacy

Skills at Work: Guide to Blended Learning

This practitioner guide gives tutors and instructors information and guidelines on how to use the workbooks and how to match the materials to the rest of their literacy programming.

Tutors and instructors will find ideas for setting up and using the activities in the workbook, information about Essential Skills resources, and suggestions for using the online activities along with the workbook activities.

Other resources in this series:

Skills at Work: Workbook 1

Skills at Work: Workbook 2

Skills at Work: Guide to Workforce Literacy

Skills at Work: Guide to Blended Learning

This resource is a guide to using a blended approach to learning. The guide focuses on bringing the best resources, technology, and practices from the e-learning world into the classroom setting – blended learning combines the best features of face-to-face sessions with the flexibility of e-learning.

Other resources in this series:

Skills at Work: Workbook 1

Skills at Work: Workbook 2

Skills at Work: Practitioner Guide

Skills at Work: Guide to Workforce Literacy

This guide provides background information on workforce literacy, ideas on program planning and examples of what other workforce-focused literacy agencies in Ontario have done to support learners who have employment goals.

Other resources in this series:

Skills at Work: Workbook 1

Skills at Work: Workbook 2

Skills at Work: Practitioner Guide

Skills at Work: Guide to Blended Learning

This workbook helps learners explore employers’ expectations about reading, writing, and math on the job. They will read about the tasks people do every day in different kinds of jobs.

Developed as part of the Skills at Work set, this workbook explores common entry-level jobs and how literacy, numeracy, and technical skills are used at work.

Other resources in this series:

Skills at Work: Workbook 1

Skills at Work: Practitioner Guide

Skills at Work: Guide to Workforce Literacy

Skills at Work: Guide to Blended Learning