12 September 2024
Creating AI Policy with learners
Join us for this 3-week series starting January 24 2025.
I have just spent an exciting hour exploring WikiEducator – an online global community of educators working collaboratively to develop and share free educational content. It includes an Adult Basic Education Section where you will find free learning resources developed in British Columbia under the auspices of the BC Council on Admissions and Transfer – a provincial agency.
I looked through the ABE Fundamental Computer Studies Course and saw that there is a great deal of information and material here that will be very useful for adult literacy instructors and students everywhere.
As with all Wikis, WikiEducator is an ongoing work in progress – with new content being added all the time – the best way to keep up to date is to join WikiEducator and create your own “watchlist” so that you can receive notifications when new content is added – you can also, of course, become a contributor – adding your own content, editing existing content and joining in the discussions.
Click HERE to see a presentation about the WikiEducator Project. Click Wikis in Plain English to see a great short video, explaining wikis from Commoncraft.