Finding Our Way: Digital Technologies and E-Learning for Adult Literacy Students, Educators and Programs Literature Scan: 2005-2011, presents a global snapshot of how technology has been used to enhance teaching, learning and professional development.

Given the ubiquity of digital technologies in today’s world and the pressure on educators to keep up, the report explores how they are and could be supported to integrate technology into their practice.

Ultimately, the report aims to spark a national discussion about what is happening, what needs to happen, and how AlphaPlus can, in collaboration with the adult literacy field, begin to harness the full potential of digital technology and e-learning in the service of adult literacy teaching and learning.

Assessment Challenges, Contradictions and Inequities: An analysis of the use of digital technology and OALCF Milestones

Christine Pinsent-Johnson
Matthias Sturm

See the Research Brief.

See the Full Report.

See the Presentation.

This overview of program data from LBS programs in Ontario was developed as part of a larger study that investigated the way that the OALCF Use Digital Technology, and Milestones in general, are used in LBS programs. The data was examined to provide a current program overview and a context for understanding the research findings.

This research brief describes program practices that have been put in place in response to the introduction of the OALCF Milestones. It is part of a larger study that investigated the digital technology and OALCF Milestones overseen by AlphaPlus.

With the introduction of the OALCF (Ontario Adult Literacy Curriculum Framework) and its aligned reporting system in 2012, Ontario’s Literacy and Basic Skills programs (LBS) have experienced extensive changes in the way they report program activity and demonstrate accountability.

See the Full Report.

See the Research Overview.

Full Research Report

In 2014-15, AlphaPlus was involved in a research project examining current assessment practices related to the OALCF Use Digital Technology Milestones, the alignment between the Milestones and program learning and reporting trends. Our study concludes that the Milestones and accompanying administration guidelines work counter to the ministry’s objective for the OALCF to “improve service delivery, learner experiences and learner outcomes” by introducing a series of challenges, contradictions and inequities.

EOIS-CaMS data and anecdotal information indicated that the OALCF Competency D – Use Digital Technology Milestones were often being selected. We wanted to know why there was a reliance on a limited number of Milestones and determine why assessors were making this choice. An investigation initially focused on digital technology Milestones grew to incorporate a broader investigation of Milestone use in general.

This SDNDF-funded project Assessment Use and Reporting: Investigating Data Integrity Issues gathered information from assessors in LBS programs by way of an online survey and in-person interviews focused on the digital technology Milestones as well as assessment and reporting practices and their impacts on programming. The insights of practitioners with experience using the OALCF Milestones were integral to the project.

Christine Pinsent-Johnson
Matthias Sturm

See the Research Brief.

See the Research Overview.

See the Presentation.

The 2013-14 Annual Report highlights various projects and initiatives we worked on during the past fiscal year and provides a sneak-peek into what you can expect in 2014-15.

Additional Resources

Use Digital Technology Instructional Resources

ESO Sample PS-TRE Activities

The recording is no longer available but you can view the slides.

The 2012-13 Annual Report highlights various projects and initiatives we worked on during the past fiscal year and provides a sneak-peek into what you can expect in 2013-14.

The E-Learning on the Goal Paths e-bulletin is focused on activities that instructors and learners can use to find information about each of the goal paths, and to work on digital skills and building self-efficacy.

To help you find activities and resources quickly, we have used a Live Binder – essentially a “three-ring binder on the web” that functions as a web-based repository of live links, and is a very handy way to keep links organized by topic or theme. 

The E-Learning on the Goal Paths Live Binder is organized by goal path and under each tab you will find direct links to informational and learning activity sites which provide students with opportunities to acquire and practice digital skills.