18 November, 2014
Tech Tuesday: Google Chrome
Google Chrome – a web browser with apps and extensions
Educator Resources
AlphaPlus has advanced the use of Moodle since 2007 because it’s a free, open-source, community-based learning management system (LMS) that’s designed using sound, democratic pedagogical principles.
We support practitioners who are using Moodle. Get in touch if you want coaching or need some guidance when you get stuck.
Our Educator Network (eNet) and Planning Your Digital Toolbox courses use Moodle.
AlphaPlus hosts the Moodle websites listed below:
Online classrooms and courses for adult learners
Online classrooms and courses for educators
The barrier to using Moodle for many programs is the cost of hosting and support.
AlphaPlus can help you choose an alternative for use in your classroom or program.