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Assessment and evaluation

PAL – A Lesson Planning Companion for LBS Practitioners

PAL is for LBS practitioners who seek to plan engaging lessons that help hone learner skills by purposefully integrating technology…

Educator Resources

Community Gabfest: Learner Identity and Learning

Conversations. Come to one. Come to the series. But, always, come as you are.

Educator Resources

Answer Garden Tip Sheet

AnswerGarden is place where you can ask one short question online.

Educator Resources

Digital technology for learning website

Frameworks, approaches and theoretical foundations relevant to adult literacy.

Educator Resources

Post-secondary digital skills readiness assessment

An assessment to determine whether learners are ready to use digital technology in post-secondary education.

Educator Resources

Case Notes Guide

What happened when we tried to write a guide to case notes.


Tech Tuesday: Creating and administering online assessments using Google Apps

Our guest presenter – Charlotte Parliament, Literacy and Essential Skills Program Coordinator at Simcoe County District School Board – shared…

Educator Resources

Tech Tuesday: Creating digital learner surveys using Google Forms

Guest presenter Charlotte Parliament, Literacy and Essential Skills Program Coordinator at Simcoe County District School Board, and AlphaPlus Technology Consultant…

Educator Resources

Tech Tuesday: Supporting learners with online assessments and digital tools

Navigating online surveys is becoming more common for learners as programs assess clients and gather feedback. This webinar will outline…

Educator Resources

Tech Tuesday: Quizlet

Use Quizlet to create online activities and tests.

Educator Resources

Tech Tuesday: Using Flubaroo

Using Flubaroo to quickly grade multiple-choice or fill-in-blank assignments in Google.

Educator Resources

Problem Solving in Technology-Rich Environments: Webinar

The recording is no longer available but you can view the slides.


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