Daybook is a personal diary and notes app. It helps to record activities, experiences, thoughts, and ideas throughout a day. The app can be passcode protected for more privacy. This app can be used for to-do lists, as a day planner, to record thouths as part of a special project or activity. It can also be used to track expenses. In a literacy program, it could be used to document learning and encourage reflection, it can also provide a space to write freely without being observed and self-conscious.
- Voice notes can be recorded with the tablet’s microphone
- Images can be added to notes
- A calendar provides simple access to previous written entries.
- This app can easily be used as a day planner since the calendar provides access to future dates and times.
- The entries added to Daybook are backed up to the cloud and can be accessed from different devices.
- Several users can use the app on the same device since each can have their own personal account.
- It can support learners in managing their learning.
- To use the app, it is required to create an account.
- It is not possible to reorganize the notes by category or to color code them.
- It is not possible to share notes with other users.
This point of sale app has been developed for restaurants. It records customers orders, kitchen activity and serves as a cash register. A literacy program could use this app to familiarize learners with point of sale software used in restaurants and stores.
- It is an authentic app used by restaurants.
- Separate user accounts can be created for waiters and kitchen staff.
- Orders, tied to tables, are color-coded according to activity (empty, waiting, in preparation, ready).
- The app has to be completely customized; the instructors could do this in collaboration with learners, involving them in elaborating a menu, deciding on prices and options.
- There are no items preloaded in the app, it must be completely costumized.
- Instructors will need to familiarize themselves before using the app with learners.
This app is a phonics program that consists of 262 lessons, each containing up to 43 pages. It can be used with beginning readers as well as struggling readers.
- The interface is very simple with no juvenile illustrations which might be the preference for some adult learners.
- The pace is slow which will suit learners who are not used to technology and mobile devices.
- It is possible to try lessons 1-50 for free. The cost of the full program is $40.00.
- It is not possible to create a profile to keep track of progress. This can be a problem if more than one user is using the app on a device.
- The app doesn’t include a reading assessment.
Todoist is a to-do list and task manager application that helps the user get organized. It is easy to organize tasks by assigning them to a project or by colour coding them. Users can share projects with others.
- The organizing features of this app (deadlines, project categories, colour coding) can support the user in achieving goals.
- This app can be a good choice to manage team projects with simplicity.
- It can support learners to manage their learning.
- To use the app, it is required to create an account.
- Notifications are only available with a paid account.
Photomath reads and solves math problems ranging from arithmetic to calculus. The math problems are solved instantly by using the camera on your mobile device. Math problems are then explained through animated steps or detailed instructions.
- Photomath can capture handwritten math problems.
- It offers step-by-step explanations, some of which are animated instructions.
- It supports a large variety of math problems.
- Learners can try to solve math problems independently with the support of this app.
- This app can work without being connected to the Internet.
- Learners might need help to capture math problems with the camera.
- Learners might need support in understanding some explanations.
Pictoword is an entertaining word guessing game. Players “read” a series of pictures that combine to create a word.
- Fun but challenging, can be played alone or in a group – could be a good activity for learner and tutor.
- In-app purchases. The game may be too challenging for emergent readers.
Flipp enables users to browse local retail flyers from hundreds of retailers based on your postal code. Users can also browse by product or brand name. This app is useful in itself, but is also a useful resource for learning activities related to budgeting, shopping, price matching, and money math and management.
- Authentic learning materials. Resource for creating practical learning activities. Appropriate for adult students.
- There is a lot of information in the App which may make it confusing at first. Students will need orientation to the App to make most effective use of it.
Shake-a-Phrase is a challenging but entertaining language game using “silly” phrases. It is intended to provide vocabulary and parts of speech practice and for creative writing prompts. Users can review the definition of any word in a phrase with a single tap.
- Simple interface. Good vocabulary building tool and provides useful practice and re-enforcement in identifying prepositions, conjunctions, nouns, verbs and adjectives. Word definitions are shown with a single tap
- Some students may not like the “silly” phrases.
Prizmo Go – Instant Text Capture allows users to scan any text, using the built-in iPad camera, and hear it read aloud. The basic App is free , if you want extended options e.g. copy and paste, in-App purchases ranging from approx. $0.99 to $7.99 are available.
- The interface is simple, there are multiple voice options and text is highlighted as the voice reads it aloud. This is a useful tool for students who need or want to hear a text as they read it.
- Students will need orientation to how to use the iPad camera to capture text, and will also need support to choose a voice and to modify reading speed.
MiniMod Reading for Details is useful App to support reading comprehension. This is a bingo like game, students read a short passage about an inventor and her or his invention and then practice their understanding. The game is available at 3 levels of reading difficulty.
- The content of the reading passages is interesting and engaging. Students can choose the level of difficulty and are offered multiple chances to find the correct response to questions.
- It can take quite a while to play through the whole “bingo” card. Students will need orientation to the game. It is most useful for students at higher learning levels. This is the “lite” version. The full version is available from the App Store for USD $11.99