On this site you can read our Position Paper on Blended Learning online and browse a collection of resources to help you and the audiences you communicate with learn about blended learning as an approach.

What else you will find on this site

and graphics you can share with staff, learners, volunteers and community partners

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If you’d like a copy of this site to use as a starting point to adapt and expand for use in your program, please get in touch. AlphaPlus can give you a copy and support you in learning how to use a website builder such as Google Sites or Weebly as online learning spaces for learners, staff and volunteers.

Blended Learning Research

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Blended Learning Resources

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Together we will explore how Google Sites can be used to set up and manage websites. We will take a closer look at embedding videos, documents, and forms as well.

The recording is no longer available but you can view the slides.

What does it take to be a digitally-enabled teacher?

This 2013 presentation explores the characteristics, attitudes and skills of tech-savvy teachers and what literacy practitioners and volunteers need to know, have or do to be effective in integrating digital tools and technologies into their practice .

DLI Knowledge Sharing: Milestones and digital technology: Assessment and reporting practices (ASL session)

The recording is no longer available but you can view the slides.

See the Research Brief.

See the Research Overview.

See the Full Report.

Additional Resources

Use Digital Technology Instructional Resources

ESO Sample PS-TRE Activities

The recording is no longer available but you can view the slides.

Open Badges, a new online standard launched in March 2013 by Mozilla, is open source, free software, which any organization can use to create, issue and verify digital badges to recognize and verify learning.

Many of us are familiar with and likely earned some kind of physical badge in our lifetime. Who can forget all those colourful badges sewn or pinned on a sleeve, jacket or hat of a Girl Guide or Boy Scout? These badges represent the accomplishment of various achievements and are often proudly displayed by the recipients.

Digital badges, originally introduced in games, are also used to recognize achievements and completion of specific tasks, but they are issued and shared digitally.

They are often treated as rewards and recipients seek them to:

Digital badge issuers use digital badges for:

To provide a common system for the issuance, collection, and display of digital badges on multiple instructional sites, Mozilla Foundation developed Mozilla Open Badges – free software and an open technical standard any organization can use to create, issue and verify digital badges.

Many educational institutions and learning management system providers, such as Blackboard and Moodle, quickly partnered with Mozilla to enable online teachers and administrators to issue Open Badges for course and activity completions.