AlphaPlus curated a collection of shareable, free and high-quality learning materials that adult literacy educators can use to enhance their personal and program collections. 

Learning materials

The collection is divided into five sections for learners working at Ontario Adult Literacy Curriculum Framework (OALCF) Levels 1 and 2:

  1. Reading texts
  2. Practice tasks and writing
  3. Numeracy and mathematics 
  4. Professional learning and how-to guides
  5. Creating, modifying and analyzing your own materials


We looked for materials that could be copied, printed or posted in online and offline environments. This means you can add materials to a website or learning management platform, attach them to an email or share them with learners in Google Drive. They can also be printed. In addition, some materials are templates or permit adaptations, allowing you to build and modify materials for your own use. Copyright information and Creative Commons licensing details are included for all materials.

Download a PDF version below or click here to open the collection in your Google Drive.

Today, there are 2 million applications available in the App Store. That can make it tough to find the right one for your literacy program, especially if you aren’t sure what you’re looking for. That’s why we’re giving you tips, hints, and tricks for finding apps from scratch.



What Is Blended Learning?
Blended learning is an approach where educators leverage technology and digital access for learners to create, communicate, collaborate and apply critical thinking skills to construct knowledge in our connected world. The four Cs — collaborative, communicative, creative and critical— are concepts that help educators make decisions about the ways they blend online and offline activities and integrate technology to support literacy, language and numeracy development.

The State of Blended Learning in LBS
Ontario’s Literacy and Basic Skills (LBS) Program supports the integration of technology in face-to-face learning centres and classrooms, and offers exclusively online courses through e-Channel. The pandemic crisis forced many LBS educators to rapidly expand their integration of technology to provide remote learning options. Although LBS educators were able to facilitate access to e-Channel courses for learners, the vast majority adopted the use of a variety of communications and instructional technologies that considered learners’ digital access and readiness to learn online.

Digital technology can support personalized learning in several ways:

AlphaPlus created this site in December 2018 for a community-based adult literacy program we were working with in Toronto. They were looking at increasing the use of tablets and were interested to see how digital technology could enhance an instructor’s capacity to personalize learning for a group with diverse needs, goals and desires.

If you’re interested in exploring the ways digital technology can personalize or individualize learning, please get in touch. 

If you’d like a copy of this site to use as a starting point to adapt and expand for use in your program, please get in touch. AlphaPlus can give you a copy and support you in learning how to use a website builder such as Google Sites or Weebly as online learning spaces for learners, staff and volunteers.

For this last webinar of 2017, our team has come together to highlight their favourite easy-to-use tools. You will hear the reasons why they like them and how they make use of them. Come and learn about tools such as Padlet, Facebook Messenger, Prioritab, Google Keep and Protopage, and find out how you could use these tools in your program.

Tech Tuesday: Reading and Writing with Google (guest presenter Danielle Gignac)

Use Quizlet to create online activities and tests.

Remind is a free communication platform for instructors and students.

Remind allows instructors and learners to communicate through text without exchanging phone numbers. Its ability to be immediate means that instructors and students can send each other last minute updates. View the webinar to learn how to set up Remind and to find out how instructors are using it.

Wondering where to find and how to use mobile Apps in your literacy program? In this 2016 webinar, we explore and learn about a variety of Apps ( IOS & Android) that you can use to support teaching, learning and administration in your adult literacy program.

Using Flubaroo to quickly grade multiple-choice or fill-in-blank assignments in Google.