Using screen recording and EdPuzzle to engage learners

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This two-workshop series is designed to support educators in using quick and easy video techniques (screen recordings and EdPuzzle, a tool for adding interactive activities to your favourite videos) to create engaging and informative activities for learners and tutors.

In 2 Zoom sessions (90 minutes each), you will:

  • develop a pedagogical understanding of how to use instructional videos to engage learners.
  • explore platforms that can enhance the creation of personalized, efficient learning materials.

See the training overview for more details about what we’ll cover.

The training series is two workshops:

  • Wednesday October 30 and November 6 from 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

If you’re interested, secure your spot. And don’t forget to invite tutors working in your programs.



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