


Let us help you take advantage of emerging digital technologies and keep your adult literacy programs current.

What We Do

AlphaPlus is Ontario’s only organization focused on helping adult literacy education professionals to incorporate digital technology. We build confidence and empower adult education professionals to develop innovative new approaches, supporting and developing the capacity of adult literacy education throughout the province.

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Upcoming training and workshops

Starting May 10: Building digital skills with Google workshop series

New six-week online training series for adult literacy instructors and tutors starts May 10. Orientation sessions on April 19.

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June 11, 2023 Community Gabfest: ChatGPT – delightful or scary?

Community Gabfests are Zoom gatherings for literacy educators who want to connect with their peers in an informal setting.

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Our Virtual Showcases are coming back! Register today.

Two new AlphaPlus Virtual Showcases on May 23 (Using OneNote) and June 20 (Using social media)

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Starting May 16: Applying the Google Toolbox workshops

A series of workshops to apply what we learned in the Building digital skills with Google series.

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Technology helps with teaching, program administration and delivery.

When educators incorporate relevant technology into adult-education teaching and learning, they enhance the relevance, responsiveness and reach of their programs.

When organizations incorporate relevant technology into program co-ordination and communication, they’re able to use their time more productively and collaborate more effectively. 

Explore our resource library to see how.

Technology Resourcesarrow

How technology can help with teaching, program administration and delivery.

In our work, we see that when educators incorporate relevant technology into adult-education teaching and learning, they enhance the relevance, responsiveness and reach of their programs and when organizations incorporate relevant technology into program co-ordination and communication, they find that they’re able to use their time more productively and collaborate more effectively. 

Technology in literacy programsgreen arrow right

Our Services

Find the combination of AlphaPlus services that is right for you – sign up with a coach, take a course, attend a workshop – or create your own with a custom solution.

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Research & Advocacy

Learn about our progress on our goals of building educator and program capacity, creating equal access to learning, and improving the adult literacy education system.

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Stay Informed

Our blog is where we share insights and solutions and let you know what we’re doing to respond to your needs. Subscribe to our newsletter so you don’t miss anything.

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