Snapshots from Tech4All workshops at Niagara West Adult Learning Centre, Toronto District School Board and Gateway Centre for Learning.
Can “playing” with technology hardware transform literacy learners into proficient computer users? In a recent AlphaPlus pilot project, three adult literacy programs found out by experimenting with an immersive, hands-on approach to mastering computer basics.
The pilot project first started to take shape when Monika Jankowska-Pacyna, an AlphaPlus team member and technology coach, had an idea and access to special funding. Monika volunteers with Let’s Get Together, an organization that aims to make learning equitable and make education accessible through technology. She approached executive director Alison Canning about bridging the non-profit’s workshops for youth with literacy and basic skills (LBS) programming in Ontario.
Alison was receptive to the idea: “I was interested in seeing if our newly developed computer anatomy workshop could help increase adult literacy learners’ confidence and comfort with technology. I wanted to better understand the gaps and needs in LBS digital literacy learning and modify the lesson to help close the gap.”
With Alison on board, and the AlphaPlus team’s encouragement, Monika reached out to educators already working with digital technology and cell phone support — people she knew to be innovative and open to new ideas. Gateway Centre for Learning in Midland, the Niagara West Adult Learning Centre (NWALC), and the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) agreed to participate in the pilot and host the hands-on workshops.
The group named the pilot Tech4All, reflecting Let’s Get Together’s idea of bringing technology to anyone who needs it to reduce the digital divide. They established the goals of engaging low-level adult literacy learners in hands-on technology and vocabulary lessons, and inspiring instructors and volunteers to make the sessions fun and engaging.
“I saw this pilot as a great way for our learners and our community to learn more about computer anatomy and e-waste. I thought it would be a great project to add to someone’s resumé,” explains Jacky Catterick, executive director at NWALC.
The group met online with Monika facilitating the meetings and connections and the programs sharing their specific needs and hopes. They discussed what types of workshops to offer and decided on computer anatomy and data backup. Let’s Get Together adapted the workshops to meet the needs of local communities and adult literacy classrooms and then delivered them.
From the fall of 2023 until the spring of 2024, each program held four or five workshops. Moving beyond teaching technology skills with handouts and lessons on Word, Excel or PowerPoint, the sessions allowed learners to examine the insides of computers and explore how they work. The sessions also touched on refurbishing computers, data backups, e-waste, online safety, collaboration, lifelong learning and more.
“Computer basics classes usually send learners to books, pictures and websites, but we learned that touching components makes a big difference for adult learners,” Monika says, reflecting on her initial idea shaping into a fruitful pilot project. “The experience was also a success from our perspective at AlphaPlus because we played a part in knowledge-sharing and connecting literacy educators. And now, the door is open between Let’s Get Together and other adult literacy programs.”
“During these workshops, instructors discovered ways to take learners away from paper or screens to make interactions fun, even when working on the basics. Let’s Get Together volunteers were taking out memory cards from computers, and learners would crowd around them and ask questions. Instructors said they’ve never had a workshop with people so engaged,” says Monika. “The participants were inspired, laughing and wanting more. We could see the spark and a shift in confidence; suddenly, the computer wasn’t as scary, and it became easier to teach other computer skills.”
“The pilot was so natural in its rollout. All of the participants enjoyed the experience immensely, often asking, ‘When’s the next time Ali and Monika will be here?’” said Heather, a volunteer instructor at Gateway Centre for Learning.
According to Monika, the pilot revealed that there’s always more to learn and different ways to engage participants. “Initially, we wanted to inspire teachers, but we were surprised by how much confidence these workshops built in learners. In addition, the programs built relationships with other non-profits outside of the adult literacy field, opening up discussions about partnerships and connections in the community.”
Monika, Alison and the leads at each site are now wrapping up the pilot. Gateway plans to offer computer anatomy workshops in the community, and NWALC will host e-waste recycling and digital education events to bring the community to their program. They even applied for and received a Grow Prosper Belong Fund from the Town of Lincoln to support their efforts. Alison plans to expand the reach and scope of Let’s Get Together’s computer anatomy workshop, delivering it in additional languages and encouraging communities to offer it to help people overcome their fears of technology.
For literacy instructors in other programs, this pilot produced a suite of materials that can be used to run similar workshops, including presentations, videos, handouts, activities, tips and links to other helpful resources.
Would you like to set up hands-on computer skills workshops for your adult literacy learners? Visit the Tech4All pilot website to learn more and then contact us to find out how you can run similar workshops in your community.
Can you imagine starting a new role in a new sector and then discovering an organization entirely dedicated to supporting you?
Janet Oettgen transitioned to the Literacy and Basic Skills (LBS) sector from a career in taxation and banking. After deciding to change careers and completing her education in social work, Janet’s path led her to the position of Program Coordinator/Instructor for the Niagara West Adult Learning Centre.
“When I started in May 2021, our technology was in disarray. Lacking comfort and knowledge of online platforms, our tutors and learners were almost inactive,” explains Janet. “Two of us were brand new to the organization, and our third staff member, although here for a long time, had limited knowledge of online technology and social media. We were using the personal account of someone who had left our organization six years ago to access our Facebook page!”
Getting one-to-one coaching support and learning in a group format
Being new to the organization and adult literacy, Janet was eager for training. She attended AlphaPlus Virtual Showcases, where she learned about new systems and tools, and how people in adult literacy were using them. A few months later, Janet started getting one-to-one support from AlphaPlus technology coach Monika Jankowska-Pacyna.
“The Learning Centre staff members were trying to find their way around the systems in place, what accounts they had, how to get into them, managing their email interface, sharing files and teaching resources, and more,” says Monika. “We started by discussing the team’s hopes and needs and decided to try to shift the organization to Google Workspace and Google Apps. I helped Janet with processes, setup, transferring data and emails, website redesign and setting up tools like Canva, YouTube, Google Calendar, Classroom, and Forms.”
Over time, Janet worked with Monika and AlphaPlus Executive Director Alan Cherwinski to build a new, easier-to-maintain website using Google Sites. She regained control of the Learning Centre’s existing Google for Nonprofits and email accounts, and established digital security procedures.
“I’m comfortable with technology, but there were so many things we needed to pull together, and I wouldn’t have known where to start on my own. In meetings with Monika and Alan, we figured out a logical, step-by-step process that wasn’t stressful or overwhelming,” says Janet. “I also continued attending Showcases, which helped me get oriented to the adult literacy sector and see what people are doing, their learners’ needs, and what is working. What I learned at these events also gave me the vocabulary needed to request funding for our centre.”
Continuing her learning journey and connecting with peers
Taking full advantage of the AlphaPlus support and services suite, Janet also participated in Educator Network programs such as Gabfests and Makerspace, exploring ideas, picking up tools and tips, and forming connections with peers.
“Each AlphaPlus offering addresses specific needs with intention and excellence. They also connect you with people in other regions who are willing to share,” explains Janet. “For example, I connected with a peer in the Kitchener/Cambridge area who shared many of her digital forms and activities. Rather than reinvent the wheel, I could make her tools my own, and I now have a model for what I can create in the future.”
Having sorted out foundational elements like the organization’s digital workspace and communications, Janet went deeper into using digital tools for teaching and program administration. She has conducted a community needs analysis using Google Forms, digitized learning activities, and automated learner follow-ups and closures. As a result, processes are simpler for learners, and the Learning Centre has obtained more complete data.
Next steps: for technology integration in adult literacy program delivery
Janet’s next steps include digitizing learner files and participating in an upcoming digital workspace training to prepare to further automate and streamline processes. The Centre’s new office administrator is now getting coaching from Monika to take over responsibilities so Janet can spend time in the community making connections that will bring in learners.
“There is enough complexity in our sector, so why not get help simplifying what we can? From running programs to attracting learners, if you have systems in place that help you to do the work without spending lots of money, that’s half the battle,” says Janet. “Before working with AlphaPlus, I didn’t know what I didn’t know. Now, we have regained our autonomy and can communicate at the snap of a finger.”
The AlphaPlus team is invaluable and second to none. The foundation of adult literacy is empowering, educating and equipping — AlphaPlus empowers, educates, and equips us to serve learners better.
Janet Oettgen, Program Coordinator/Instructor for the Niagara West Adult Learning Centre
Coaching can be a great starting point for unraveling your literacy program’s technology challenges and learning more about how AlphaPlus can support you. New coaching spots are now available, so contact us to secure your spot.
Our Virtual Showcase sessions are designed to feature innovative programs and instructors who are using digital tools and approaches to connect and work with learners and colleagues remotely.
Why Virtual Showcases?
When we started, we were still in the pandemic mode, with many instructors and co-ordinators feeling isolated, frustrated and often unsure about using technology and digital tools to reach and inspire learners, or effectively share and collaborate online with team members. Since our coaching team has worked with innovative programs and amazing instructors over the years, we saw first-hand their interesting approaches, unique designs and exemplary uses of digital tools. This inspired us to shine a spotlight on some of these organizations through Virtual Showcases.
What is happening so far?
We have now hosted eight Virtual Showcase sessions with 946 registrations. Many participants have returned over and over to explore and share their tips and stories, while others volunteered to be our next guest presenters. We grew and built a community that would gather around to share, connect and inspire each other during facilitated discussions and demonstrations. We also developed resource collections around each topic we discussed (presentations, video recordings and tips/links shared by others) that you can access via the past sessions menu on the website.
I found that the speakers had great tools to use and that the sharing of those tools was great! There is a vast amount of knowledge out there and to be able to listen to how people are using the various apps/tools was very informative. Knowing the different organizations that are working with this kind of education to help individuals and having the ability to connect with them is great!
What is happening next?
As we return to in person services, your needs and our services are evolving again. We all are more tech savvy, and many programs are planning to use blended learning and hybrid models in their practice. We noticed that some of you prefer more frequent and informal settings to connect (like our Community Gabfests) while others look forward to the future showcases. We are excited but wonder, what would you like to explore in the future showcases?
Click here to share with us what would be helpful. How can we inspire you next?
Questions? Contact Monika
The summer months are a blur at this point, but the memory of how excited and inspired we were after each of our Virtual Showcase sessions still energizes us and we wonder if we should do it again…
The idea
It all started with a Zoom call in 2020. “It would be great if you could organize a conference/sessions where others would share what they use and how they use it,” said Gay Douglas from Literacy Link Niagara. “And then you can spend some time training us on some of the tools discussed,” added Tina DeLuca from Niagara Catholic District School Board as we were reviewing our recent coaching project together. “It would reach and help so many other instructors and programs,” she added.
This got me thinking… Through our technology coaching services, we work directly with a selected group of programs, but what if we could open it up and make it more accessible to instructors and program coordinators who aren’t engaging with us in this way? Would that be helpful? Would there be interest?
We explored this idea at our team meetings and decided to add it to our business plan for 2021.
We were so excited when the sessions got approved in April but also a bit scared — as we had until September to make them all a reality!
The sessions
With the full team support, my colleagues Tracey, Aletheia and I set out to plan, organize and deliver four AlphaPlus Virtual Showcase sessions via Zoom.
We used Google Sites to set up a website,, where we announced the upcoming sessions and guest presenters. Afterwards, we posted the recordings, slides and additional resources shared by the guests and participants. It’s now a great resource collection to explore! Check it out!
Our goal was to elevate and showcase how innovative programs and instructors use digital tools and approaches to connect and work with learners remotely. We realized that we often meet these amazing instructors and programs through our coaching and other projects, but this was a chance to really showcase them and in a different way. ASL interpretation services were provided and allowed the Deaf community to participate as well.
We even tried to be clever about our session titles, but it wasn’t always that easy, so we gave up after the first one. 🙂
The sessions focused on:
Each session featured three guest organizations — representing a community program, school board and college — that shared their approaches, strategies and tips on how they connect with learners and build a virtual community using online tools and resources.
We loved how guests used slides or simply shared their screens to show us their approaches and how participants got involved, asked questions and shared their own experiences and resources in the chats and breakout rooms. It really felt like a community coming together to a virtual event. The Tech Q&A part of the sessions allowed us to discuss the tools in more detail and offer additional tips. They weren’t easy sometimes, as we weren’t sure what specific information participants would want to learn, but we were thrilled to receive followup calls and emails from participants telling us how they’re trying and implementing some of the things they learned about in our sessions.
We received a lot of encouraging feedback from participants:
“Very helpful to see how others have created very useful resources for their learners and tutors. It was especially helpful to hear about challenges and possible solutions to problems.”
“The information presented will be very helpful for me to help my learners. I was not aware of there being so many resources that are out there to assist us in our everyday teaching.”
“I liked having people from the field speaking and then having some tech information at the end. It was a good combination.”
“The testimony of LBS instructors and their experience using LMS. That was terrific.”
In retrospect
We, as a team doing this type of showcase for the first time, learned a lot too and are sharing our reflections as lessons and tips:
Some of our guests taught us that you don’t need to use new and fancy tools to be effective. You can use and adapt existing tools too. For example, the Excel database spreadsheet shared by Leo and Denise from the Frontier College team was a great hit with participants. We got a lot of requests about it so we created a sample sheet to share their formula and are working on a video to provide more tips and details.
Should we do it again?
I’m extremely thankful to everyone — the AlphaPlus team, our guests who agreed to come out and share with others, and participants — for the support and encouragement we received. It wouldn’t be possible without all of you!
As we were wrapping up the sessions and reviewing the feedback, a question lingered… Should we do it again? What should we focus on? What would be helpful?
We decided that it might be best to ask you.
Please take a few minutes to share your thoughts with us using this SURVEY.
Join us for a Virtual Showcase — a series of 4 Zoom sessions showcasing how innovative programs and instructors use digital tools and approaches to connect and work with learners remotely.
Each session will feature guest presenters who’ll share their approaches, strategies and tips on how they connect with learners and build a virtual community using online tools and resources. Participants will have a chance to discuss and share their own experiences in breakout rooms. Afterwards, we’ll have a Tech Q&A to explore some of the digital tools mentioned during the session.
ASL interpretation services will be provided.
June 22, 2021, 1:30 to 4 p.m.
July 20, 2021, 1:30 to 4 p.m.
August 17, 2021, 1:30 to 4 p.m.
September 14, 2021, 1:30 to 4 p.m.
To learn more and register, visit the showcase website at
Follow us on social media using #LBSshow and @alphapluscentre.
While connecting with instructors and coordinators through our coaching, research and support services, we’re often asked about best practices, examples and tips for connecting with learners and building a virtual community — especially now, during COVID-19. In fact, the most common question we get asked is “What are other programs and instructors doing?” We’re very excited to organize the showcase and hope to have the guest presenters help us answer some of these questions in a virtual setting.
2020 has been like no other for our coaching team! It has been busy, hectic —and yes — sometimes overwhelming. Many programs reached out to our team to ask for ideas, support and training in the unexpected and fast shift to working from home and delivering their services remotely.
It was also extremely rewarding to see these programs try new things, build up their confidence and then take off with so many great ideas. They started connecting with learners online, sharing resources digitally, offering online training, expanding their social media presence and so much more!
So what exactly were our Literacy and Basic Skills (LBS) coaching programs asking for and working on this year? Here are the top 10 items we covered in 2020:
“We don’t know what we don’t know” is one of the most common statements from our potential and new coaching clients. If you’re interested in exploring new ideas and tools with us, learning what other programs are doing and using, plus getting hands-on training and support in implementing new solutions in your practice, reach out to us!
Simply contact or our other educational and technology consultants to grow your digital skills and explore the LBS coaching possibilities with us.