6 November 2014
Google Chrome – a web browser with apps and extensions
Google Chrome is a web browser developed by Google.
Are you taking advantage of the many ways Microsoft tools can support and enhance your adult literacy program? Go beyond Word and PowerPoint to access a powerful suite of tools that will help you to:
About the Building digital skills with Microsoft 365 training series
This training is an in-depth look at the use of Microsoft 365 for teaching and learning. There will be eight 90-minute online sessions that look at the following topics:
See the training overview for more details about what we’ll cover, the format, timing and deadlines for registration.
We’re offering two cohorts of up to 20 participants (one afternoon and one evening option).
The training series is eight workshops starting January or March. We are offering afternoon and evening sessions.
This might be the only time we offer this training. So if you’re interested, secure your spot. And don’t forget to invite tutors working in your programs.
There is so much more to Microsoft 365 than documents and presentations, and we’d love to help you tap into the potential of these tools. We hope to see you at the training!