8 November, 2016
Tech Tuesday: Remind
Remind is a free communication platform for instructors and students. Remind allows instructors and learners to communicate through text without…
Educator Resources
On November 16, 2023 AlphaPlus hosted our 12th Community Gabfest.
The theme was Games and gambits – keeping learning fun.
We used a Jamboard to guide our conversation: Wayfinders Gabfest 12 Jamboard.
The conversation starter was “What are your favourite games or community building activities to use with learners?”
This gabfest was about the games and activities learners love. We shared our ideas for keeping learners engaged by building community and having fun together.
We started by talking about the games we like and why we like them and then we played a general knowledge Kahoot! that Guylaine had made for us.
We shared some resources:
Then we asked:
What are your favourite games or community building activities to use with learners?
Favourite games and activities
Crosswords & Wordsearches
Math and Science
Thank you Gabfesters for your collegiality and for sharing your knowledge and sense of fun.