Access to Technology

AlphaPlus works with partners to:

  • Shed light on the ways in which digital inequalities affect literacy and basic skills learners.
  • Develop strategies and resources to support policy-makers and program staff, learners and volunteers to bridge the divide in pragmatic and systemic ways.

The digital divide reflects inequalities 

The disparity of opportunity between those who have abundant digital resources — devices for various purposes, adequate broadband capacity and a network of support — and those who do not reflects social inequalities driven by income, age, education level and race.

The digital divide has an impact on individuals

At work, as citizens and in their daily lives, people without seamless access to digital technology are less able to:

  • Curate resources and networks.
  • Communicate.
  • Access resources, services and opportunities.
  • Collaborate.
  • Develop and maintain essential networks.

The digital divide has a ripple effect

For example, people who aren’t able to participate in government consultations don’t have their perspectives included in research, which means government initiatives are less inclusive and effective.

Digital exclusion is also civic exclusion

Literacy practitioners know that limited access to technology can create insurmountable barriers for lifelong learners in Ontario.

Learn more about the issue of access to technology and what digital exclusion means.

Digital Opportunities and Barriers for Ontario’s Vulnerable Adultsarrow The Digital Inclusion Playbookarrow

Related Publications

Virtual Showcase: AI policies, ethics and practices in LBS

In this showcase, three guest presenters who have tried AI discussed why they are integrating AI into their practice.

Educator Resources

Virtual Showcase: AI use in LBS

In this showcase, three guest presenters who have tried AI discussed why they are integrating AI into their practice.

Educator Resources

Community Gabfest: ChatGPT

Conversations. Come to one. Come to the series. But, always, come as you are.

Educator Resources

Community Gabfest: The Best Program

Conversations. Come to one. Come to the series. But, always, come as you are.

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Community Gabfest: Blended Learning *Aspirations

Conversations. Come to one. Come to the series. But, always, come as you are.

Educator Resources

Community Gabfest: Learner Identity and Learning

Conversations. Come to one. Come to the series. But, always, come as you are.

Educator Resources

The Digital Inclusion Playbook

The Digital Inclusion Playbook is filled with ideas, information and resources you can use to support local digital inclusion efforts.

Administrator Resources

LBS Digital Capacity Project (2021-2022)

The Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development (MLTSD) contracted Contact North | Contact Nord and AlphaPlus to: Engage and…


Resources for Online and Offline Learning

A collection of shareable, free and high-quality learning materials. 

Educator Resources

Results from our 2020 remote delivery survey

This report, based on a short survey delivered during the last two weeks of June 2020, provides some answers, identifies…


See all Access to Technology resources green arrow right

Other Areas of Work

Blended Learning

A blended learning approach is one that extends the application of adult learning principles to meet the changing needs of 21st-century life.

Learn more about a Blended Learning approacharrow

Improving the Literacy System

Focusing on people rather than systems acknowledges that relationships are a key component of learning outcomes.

Learn more about a people-first system arrow