Learn how programs use OneNote to manage learner files and explore how social media can help you reach, teach and connect with learners.

Finding practical, innovative ways and digital tools to effectively manage learner files, or to reach and engage with new and existing learners can be difficult. In fact, it’s often the most common frustration we hear about from our coaching clients.

That’s why we decided to cover these topics in our Spring 2023 showcases.

We invite you to join us in May and June for 1.5 hrs AlphaPlus Virtual Showcases to hear how our guests are tackling these issues and see examples they will share.
ASL interpretation will be provided. 

You will have a chance to ask questions and leave the sessions inspired with practical tips and resources you can use at your own program. 

Session 1: Using OneNote to manage learner files and other resources
Tuesday, May 23, 2023, 1:30 to 3 pm

Session 2: Using social media to reach, teach and connect with learners

Tuesday, June 20, 2023, 1:30 to 3 pm

We will also host two showcases in the Fall.

Session 3: Topic TBD – Tuesday, Oct 24, 2023, 1:30 to 3 pm 

Session 4: Topic TBD – Tuesday, Nov 21, 2023 1:30 to 3 pm 

Act now! Register and save the Fall dates today!

“I found that the speakers had great tools to use and that the sharing of those tools was great! There is a vast amount of knowledge out there and to be able to listen to how people are using the various apps/tools was very informative. Knowing the different organizations that are working with this kind of education to help individuals and having the ability to connect with them is great!

This has motivated us to use the different apps and learn how useful it will be for our learners.”

So many apps for so many clients! Awesome! Will research accessibility apps for sure!

Want to suggest a topic or be a presenter? Click here to share your ideas with us.

Check out the past sessions section of the website for presentations, recordings, additional tips and resources shared by guest presenters. 

Don’t delay! Register today!
Questions? Contact Monika at monika@alphaplus.ca

Announcing: new training opportunity for adult literacy instructors and tutors

As a follow-up to the Introduction to the Google Workspace and Google Applied Digital Skills, this training will help you further improve your skills and get the most out of Google Classroom.

Participation in this opportunity is limited to those who engaged in our previous training. 

We believe that people who participated in Introduction to the Google Workspace and Google Applied Digital Skills have a strong foundation in Google Apps and will benefit greatly from this advanced training.

In 3 sessions (90 minutes each), you will learn more advanced features of Google Classroom such as:

During the 3 Zoom sessions, Shawn McCusker will guide you through the various features of Google Classroom, providing you with tips and strategies for using this powerful tool to deliver engaging and authentic learning experiences.


Time: 6:30 to 8:00 PM (EST)

Duration: 90 minutes per session

Location: Zoom (link will be sent after registration)

See the training outline for more details about what we’ll cover in these free training sessions, as well as the format, timing and deadlines for registration. And don’t forget to invite tutors working in your programs.

To register for
Learning more about Google Classroom

please contact Alan or Tracey.

Meet Olga Herrmann, the newest member of the AlphaPlus team! Olga joined us in late 2022, and we’d like to introduce her — and her project — to you.

With 25 years of experience supporting adult learners along their unique journeys, Olga has worked as a literacy and basic skills (LBS) practitioner, English as a second language (ESL) instructor, learning strategist, vocational counsellor and career advisor in post-secondary and community-based agencies. She also has a master of education (M.Ed.), which included research in adult education and community development.

Before relocating to her current home in rural Ontario — where she loves to cross-country ski, walk her puppy and participate in a creative writing group — Olga lived in Toronto. She has worked at organizations including Metro Toronto Movement for Literacy (MTML), PTP Adult Learning and Employment Programs, George Brown and Centennial colleges and the University of Toronto.

“In a past role as a project manager for MTML, I benefited from the AlphaPlus team’s innovative work concerning integrating technology. It’s exciting for me now to join this group of creative, supportive, reflective individuals,” says Olga. “And this project has been a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with past colleagues and explore new developments in the field during a time of change.”

Lesson planning and digital integration from the practitioner perspective

Olga is inspired by adult literacy instructors and their resolve to deliver literacy programming to learners during the pandemic, no matter the circumstances. She notes the many ways practitioners learned and used any technology that would help them meet learners’ goals, including phone calls, Zoom and new ways of sharing learning materials online. Today, she’s excited to work on a project that will result in meaningful support for them.

“We’re conducting focus groups and consultations to figure out instructors’ needs more deliberately, outside of the urgent pivot to online learning,” explains Olga. “After being isolated, it’s time to come together, reflect and gather information about how people plan and conduct lessons, integrate technology, and what supports and resources would help front-line educators. We’re examining whether we can provide curriculum resources, planning tools or other materials that will allow instructors to integrate technology in a way that complements teaching and is relevant to adult learners’ lives.”

For this project, Olga is bringing her teaching and research backgrounds together, and she hopes to recreate the “magic” that happens in teachers’ staffrooms — the ways resources and ideas get shared and the conversations that happen. Her goal is to create a similarly generative space with AlphaPlus taking the lead. This winter and early spring, Olga is conducting focus groups and individual phone calls, identifying themes across teachers and organizations. This exploration will set the stage for the next step: co-creating materials with a group of instructors.

“In a world where we live and learn and function in digital spaces, the learning journey has been transformed,” says Olga. “We can build upon and fine-tune teachers’ innovations and adaptations from the pandemic by developing and co-creating resources from the instructor’s lens. We’re hearing from dedicated professionals about their successes, things they’d like to learn more about and things they’ve created (perhaps in isolation) that might be valuable to share.”

The AlphaPlus team is excited to have an experienced front-line teacher with an innate curiosity and analytical approach at the helm of this project. We are benefiting from Olga’s capacity for listening, gathering information and finding patterns to reveal crucial information.

Does this project interest you? If you have questions or want to share your input, you’re invited to contact Olga directly by emailing her at olga@alphaplus.ca. Like all members of the AlphaPlus team, she would love to hear from you.

Community Gabfests are Zoom gatherings for literacy educators who want to connect with their peers in an informal setting. Connecting with other educators helps us see our work with fresh eyes, validates our experiences and is a powerful way to renew our energy, purpose, and excitement about our work.  Join us as we chat, vent, brainstorm, etc., about this work that we love.

March 9, 2023 Zoom Registration Link

The last Gabfest of 2022-23 was on March 9, 2023 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

The conversation starter was Practitioner Research

The Personal Learning Web by Lori Armstrong

As part of the 2022 Wayfinders MakerSpace, Lori created a video to explain her practice-based reflections and research about a Personal Learning Web — all the elements and conditions that learners and program workers need to consider and work with as each participant becomes a lifelong learner.

Tracey and Guylaine are your hosts.

Contact tracey@alphaplus.ca or guylaine@alphaplus.ca if you would like more information.

Future Gabfests – save the dates:

Past Gabfests – see what happened:

Here is what participants say happens at a Community Gabfest:

  • Lots of opportunity for discussion.
  • Others sharing their best practices
  • Learning about what other programs are doing to increase learner engagement.
  • To know that others experience the same challenges that we do. Sharing ways to enhance our programming; sharing ideas to help solve problems
  • Meeting new people from the literacy field and learning about their ideas.
  • Going into different breakout rooms and meeting different practitioners.
  • Connecting with others in small groups

And here are some of the ways participants describe the Community Gabfests:

  • The Community Gabfest gives everyone an opportunity to share, to learn and to discuss. We are guided by seasoned adult literacy professionals.
  • It is great to meet, share, discuss ideas, and best practices.
  • An avenue to share techniques and strategies that are working in our programs. A forum to learn together about best practices, challenges, and possibilities.
  • It was a place where people could share their ideas, issues and challenges and share solutions too if needed. You also got the chance to meet people that were outside of your immediate region and you had the opportunity to expand your network in the space. There are also of really great people and agencies out there doing really great work for the community. It was nice to see just beyond your own agency or region.
  • It was nice to learn about different experiences from literacy practitioners. The environment was safe and cordial to talk about your experiences with learners.
  • We got to meet different literacy practitioners on Zoom and talk about what we do, resources, and learn from each other. It was a really relaxed environment and we wouldn’t normally get to do this in-person. This was a great alternative.

Are you a Deaf, Hard of Hearing, or Deafblind practitioner in Ontario?
If so, come join our FREE Google training sessions with ASL interpreters to build your digital skills in the classroom!

In a series of four Zoom meetings, scheduled for Thursdays, March 9, 23, 30 and April 6 from 2:30 pm to 4 pm, you will have a chance to work with Monika from AlphaPlus and two ASL interpreters. 

Together, we will take a closer look at cool features and applications of Gmail, Google Calendar, Docs, Slides, Forms and Jambord.

Each session will build on the previous one. There will also be an option to stay after each session for additional questions. 

Even if you have tried Google Apps before, you will be surprised at how many new options you will discover and walk away with lots of new skills, ideas, tips and resources.

Secure your spot now! Space is limited.

Visit the website to learn more details about what we’ll cover in these free training sessions, as well as the format, timing and deadlines for registration. And don’t forget to invite tutors working in your programs!

Here is a printable flyer to share with the community. 

We hope to see you there.

Are you taking advantage of the many ways AlphaPlus can support you? We exist to support Ontario’s adult literacy instructors and program administrators, and we’ve made improvements to help you access our resources, support and services.

Today, we’re announcing a new AlphaPlus website, redesigned to better meet your needs. We’ve been working on this new website for two years to help you:

  1. Learn from the experiences and challenges of your peers. In our new community questions and case studies sections, you’ll discover the questions and challenges your peers have shared and the answers or solutions we’ve developed alongside them.
  1. Access information based on your interests and needs. We’ve created a brand-new resource hub, curating our library of tools, information and supports. You’ll be able to call up topics specific to your role as an educator or as an administrator and choose whether you want to focus on practical solutions or research and analysis of the frameworks, strategies and policies that inform literacy work in a digitally connected world. 
  1. Explore literacy and basic skills (LBS) content wherever you are and on any device. We’ve paid attention to the new site’s usability, navigation and structure, designing with accessibility in mind from the start. The new mobile-friendly design is easier to use and navigate from any device.

We hope it will now be easier than ever for you to self-serve solutions or discover ways that we can help you address your challenges. We’re always exploring, learning and playing with new ideas; the new site reflects our approach and gives us a way to share our discoveries.

If you’re an adult literacy instructor or administrator in Ontario, this is your website, designed to serve you. Please visit the new AlphaPlus.ca to discover the improvements we’ve made, and please share your feedback with us. We’re looking for opportunities to keep improving it for you!

Alan & Tracey


Stay up-to-date with what we are thinking about at AlphaPlus and what we are doing to support  Ontario’s adult literacy instructors and program administrators.


Case Studies


Leadership Letters


Back to the blog

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We’re excited to announce the launch of our microsite called The Digital Inclusion Playbook that’s filled with ideas, information and resources you can use to support local digital inclusion efforts. We hope the site builds awareness at a provincial and national level on behalf of all literacy and basic skills (LBS) programs and the many learners who find themselves excluded from full and equitable participation in a digital society.

Resources, articles and mini-infographics you can use

Digital inclusion and literacy development work together, and LBS plays a key role in digital inclusion as a provider of digital learning opportunities for adults. LBS educators, volunteers and program co-ordinators are on the front lines of digital inclusion work and often address issues — such as access to devices for learning and low-cost internet plans — that go beyond everyday teaching and learning work. The playbook’s facts, resources, articles and mini-infographics can be used to:

Information, ideas and strategies to help build awareness

Digital inclusion is bigger than LBS and involves affordable and adequate broadband internet service, internet-enabled devices that meet the needs of the user, quality and affordable technical support along with applications and online content designed to enable and encourage self-sufficiency, participation and collaboration. The playbook contains information, ideas and strategies that explore the following topics:

We invite you to explore the site and share your feedback with us. We’d also love to hear about your digital inclusion initiatives and stories.
You can also contact Christine (christine@alphaplus.ca) or Alan (acherwinski@alphaplus.ca) directly.

Need help with technology set up or training?

Connect with us to take advantage of our FREE technology coaching services where we will work with you hand-in-hand to help you explore, integrate and adapt various technology tools and solutions.

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The Virtual Showcase sessions are back this fall!

Our third session Should we Kahoot it? Using game-based learning and quizzes for fun and quick learning activities is scheduled for October 18, and the fourth session is planned for November 15.

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Do you ever wish that you had time to stop and think?

We all do, especially after the hurly-burly of the pivot to remote learning during pandemic lockdowns and the pivot back to the blended and hybrid models that programs developed to meet the needs of new learners who joined during the pivot and returning learners who were unable to connect remotely.

Here are some opportunities to stop and think about technology and teaching that AlphaPlus is offering this fall: two collaborative learning spaces, two self-directed learning spaces and the results of our new maker space project

Two collaborative learning spaces

Educator Network (eNet)

ENet is where literacy practitioners collaborate to evaluate blended learning approaches, tools and resources that enhance and expand learning.

Join our next cohort starting October 25. Contact tracey@alphaplus.ca to sign up.

ENet also happens in French. This year, we are working with COFA (Coalition de Ontarienne de Formation des Adultes) to deliver eNet sessions. 

Contact guylaine@alphaplus.ca to find out more.

Wayfinders Community Gabfests

Conversations. Come to one, come to the series.

Learn more here: Wayfinders Studio: Community Gabfests 

Save the dates.

  • September 27, 2022, from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m.
  • October 27 and November 24, 2022 (times to be determined)
  • January 12, February 9 and March 9, 2023 (times to be determined)

Contact tracey@alphaplus.ca to sign up.

Two self-paced, self-directed learning spaces

Planning Your Digital Toolbox

Planning Your Digital Toolbox is for people who prefer a self-paced eNet experience. 

“I learned about some new-to-me tools and was prompted to closely evaluate reasons for and methods of using those tools to enhance and expand learning.”

This reflective practice opportunity takes place in six self-paced modules in Moodle. People who complete the activities report that it takes them about 24 hours.

Join anytime. Contact tracey@alphaplus.ca to sign up.

Wayfinders Studio Website

People often tell us that some of the best learning happens in the ad hoc conversations they have with other practitioners in hallways or in breakout rooms at conferences. How can we mobilize the knowledge that we would share amongst ourselves in those informal settings? Explore The Wayfinders Studio to see what others are doing and thinking about.

In 2021, AlphaPlus interviewed facilitators about how they applied their knowledge of content, pedagogy and technology during the pivot to remote learning. See more here: Wayfinders Studio: Pivot to Remote Learning.

And something we are working on

Wayfinders Studio Maker Space

This summer, we are working with practitioners in a digital storytelling maker space to create multimedia Wayfinder Studio stories. We hope that the things the Wayfinders create will inspire other educators as they explore, experiment and become Wayfinders themselves. See updates here: Wayfinders Studio: Maker Space

If you are interested in joining future Wayfinders projects, contact tracey@alphaplus.ca 

Happy December!

We made it through another year and as we reflect on 2021, we are — as always — wildly impressed with the thoughtful work of our colleagues around the province.

At AlphaPlus, we have the good fortune of hearing about all the amazing and innovative ways programs are working with literacy learners across the province. Our focus is digital technology, but our conversations with practitioners meander over many fields and we find treasures in each one. Thank you all for contributing to our knowledge and to making literacy work the best work.

One of the ways we hear about and share promising practices is through eNet.

Join Us for eNet – Winter 2022

eNet is our short name for the Educator Network — a collaborative, supportive space where literacy instructors can connect with colleagues from other programs to share new tools, resources and ways of doing things.

As an AlphaPlus eNet participant, you will:

French eNet takes place in collaboration with COFA (Coalition ontarienne de formation des adultes) and is delivered within four online workshops starting December 15. Contact Guylaine to find out more about subjects, dates and registration.

English eNet will meet synchronously via Zoom and asynchronously in Moodle. Do not worry if you are not familiar with Moodle, because we will support new users.

Our tentative time for Zoom sessions is Tuesdays from 3:00 to 4:30 p.m., but we can adjust this to accommodate the schedule of the group.

January 18Getting Started
January 2521st Century Learners
February 1Literacy Learners
February 821st Century Learning
February 15Planning the Digital Toolbox 1 – Goals
February 22Planning the Digital Toolbox 2 – Learner Agency
March 1The Digital Toolbox
March 8Reflection and Evaluation

Contact Tracey to find out more and register.

Planning a Digital Toolbox (English)

If a self-paced version of eNet would work better for you, you can sign up for Planning a Digital Toolbox. 

Planning a Digital Toolbox is six modules for exploring digital technology tools and resources that will enhance and expand learning in your program.  You can work through the modules at your own pace starting any time after January 17, 2022. 

The program is delivered in Moodle. Do not worry if you are not familiar with Moodle because we will support new users.

Contact Tracey to find out more and register.