Planning a Lesson (PAL) project: What’s involved in creating an LBS lesson that flows?

A Literacy and Basic Skills (LBS) lesson is a narrow, yet revealing window into the complexities, challenges, and rich opportunities so much a part of teaching adult learners who also are aiming to strengthen their digital skills. Whether you are teaching fully online, delivering instruction through a hybrid model, or are fully back in a physical classroom, planning an engaging lesson where skills are honed, connections are made, and a meaningful use of digital technologies is applied, is likely what you aspire to.

During the session, we will share how we came together as the Planning a Lesson (PAL) working group and explored the intricacies of lesson planning by considering the on-the-ground realities of teaching LBS learners and integrating technology whenever possible. Learn how we met regularly to discuss and identify the common challenges practitioners face before a lesson begins, during the lesson itself, and after a lesson, and how the insights we shared and the tasks we reflected on became the foundation for co-developing resources aimed at bringing flow and deeper learning into lesson planning.

Some tips and lesson planning resources will be shared, and you will get a sneak peek into the Planning a Lesson website that will house the PAL resources.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024, 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Don’t delay! Register today!

Save the dates

The fall showcases have been scheduled:

  • Tuesday, October 22, from 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • Tuesday, November 19, from 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Topics to be announced soon.

Check out the Past Sessions section of the website for presentations, recordings, additional tips and resources shared by guest presenters. 

This timely training is designed to support educators in understanding and using AI applications (such as ChatGPT) to create effective learning experiences and manage student learning.

In 3 Zoom sessions (90 minutes each), you will:

See the training overview for more details about what we’ll cover, the format, timing and deadlines for registration.

The training series is three workshops:

If you’re interested, secure your spot. And don’t forget to invite tutors working in your programs.

Get the registration links herearrow right

This training is designed to support educators in understanding and using accessibility functions to create effective learning experiences for diverse cohorts.

There are three series of workshops on Wednesday afternoons: 

Each series consists of 3 Zoom sessions (90 minutes each)

See the training overview for more details about what we’ll cover, the format, timing and deadlines for registration.

The training series is three workshops starting in the summer of 2024.

If you’re interested, secure your spot. And don’t forget to invite tutors working in your programs.

Register nowarrow right

Community Gabfests are Zoom gatherings for literacy educators who want to connect with their peers in an informal setting. Connecting with other educators helps us see our work with fresh eyes, validates our experiences and is a powerful way to renew our energy, purpose, and excitement about our work.  Join us as we chat, vent, brainstorm, etc., about this work that we love.

The next Gabfest is on February 8, 2024 from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

The conversation starter is

How do you create your own learning pathway?

  • How do teachers learn?
  • Where do teachers learn?
  • What do LBS teachers want to learn about in 2024?

Tracey and Guylaine are your hosts.

Contact or if you would like more information.

Future Gabfests – save the dates:

  • February 8, 2024: Teachers as learners

Past Gabfests – see what happened:

Thanks for a wonderful year as we piloted this new program: Real talk as Community Gabfest pilot continues

Here is what participants say happens at a Community Gabfest:

  • Lots of opportunity for discussion.
  • Others sharing their best practices
  • Learning about what other programs are doing to increase learner engagement.
  • To know that others experience the same challenges that we do. Sharing ways to enhance our programming; sharing ideas to help solve problems
  • Meeting new people from the literacy field and learning about their ideas.
  • Going into different breakout rooms and meeting different practitioners.
  • Connecting with others in small groups

And here are some of the ways participants describe the Community Gabfests:

  • The Community Gabfest gives everyone an opportunity to share, to learn and to discuss. We are guided by seasoned adult literacy professionals.
  • It is great to meet, share, discuss ideas, and best practices.
  • An avenue to share techniques and strategies that are working in our programs. A forum to learn together about best practices, challenges, and possibilities.
  • It was a place where people could share their ideas, issues and challenges and share solutions too if needed. You also got the chance to meet people that were outside of your immediate region and you had the opportunity to expand your network in the space. There are also of really great people and agencies out there doing really great work for the community. It was nice to see just beyond your own agency or region.
  • It was nice to learn about different experiences from literacy practitioners. The environment was safe and cordial to talk about your experiences with learners.
  • We got to meet different literacy practitioners on Zoom and talk about what we do, resources, and learn from each other. It was a really relaxed environment and we wouldn’t normally get to do this in-person. This was a great alternative.

Are you taking advantage of the many ways Microsoft tools can support and enhance your adult literacy program? Go beyond Word and PowerPoint to access a powerful suite of tools that will help you to:

About the Building digital skills with Microsoft 365 training series

This training is an in-depth look at the use of Microsoft 365 for teaching and learning. There will be eight 90-minute online sessions that look at the following topics:

  1. Outlook and calendar
  2. Introduction to OneDrive
  3. Using OneNote for organization and to save time
  4. Teams meetings and Microsoft whiteboard or Stream for instruction and collaboration
  5. Using the Microsoft accessibility suite to meet the needs of every learner
  6. Using Word Online and PowerPoint Online for feedback and collaboration
  7. Using Sway for creation and collaboration
  8. Using Microsoft Forms for learning, assessment, and course feedback.

See the training overview for more details about what we’ll cover, the format, timing and deadlines for registration.

We’re offering two cohorts of up to 20 participants (one afternoon and one evening option).

The training series is eight workshops starting January or March. We are offering afternoon and evening sessions.

This might be the only time we offer this training. So if you’re interested, secure your spot. And don’t forget to invite tutors working in your programs.

Register nowarrow right

There is so much more to Microsoft 365 than documents and presentations, and we’d love to help you tap into the potential of these tools. We hope to see you at the training!

We recently added numerous ready-to-use instructional activities to our open educational resources library. You’ll find activities in various formats including interactive PDFs, digital activities, online modules and slide presentations. Nearly all resources can be reproduced and most can be modified. Modifiable resources allow you to adapt the content to meet your students’ needs and reflect their situations.

We’ve also made it easy for you to build your collection of instructional materials by setting up folders on Google Drive that contain many of the resources. You’re sure to find at least one new gem that you can add to your personal collection. 

Check out the new topics!

  1. Job preparation and hiring is focused on instructional materials that can be used to help learners explore and prepare for employment. It also includes up-to-date information on automated tracking systems (ATS) and writing a resume that won’t be screened out. 
  2. Test and exam preparation is focused on instructional materials that can be used to introduce learners to content related to first-aid/CPR, WHMIS, safe food handling, G1 driver’s test, Canadian citizenship test and Red Seal exams.

We hope you find something useful. Also, if you have any questions about making modifications, organizing the materials in your own folders or anything else, get in touch ( We’re here to help.

If you are using a great resource that meets our inclusion criteria, please share it so we can add it to the collection.

We’ve started working on the final two topics: 1) learner empowerment and 2) resources for educators. We’ll let you know when they’re finished.

How proficient are you at using digital workspaces or office suites?
Are you fully leveraging these tools to work with learners?
Are you equipping your learners to use these tools in the future?

We are offering this popular, free training opportunity for adult literacy instructors and tutors again this Fall

WHAT: Six weekly 90-minute digital workspace training sessions. We’ll use Google Workspace as a platform to explore and apply digital collaboration skills. Each session will be an opportunity for you to:

WHEN: Wednesdays, 2:30 pm to 4 pm on Oct 11, Oct 18, Oct 25, Nov 1, Nov 8, and Nov 15.

See the training outline for more details about what we’ll cover in these free training sessions, as well as the format, timing and deadlines for registration. And don’t forget to invite tutors working in your programs.

HOW TO SIGN UP >> Sessions start in October, so secure your spot now

Are you a teacher who enjoys exploring and experimenting with how digital technology can enhance learning in creative ways? Then the Alphaplus Educator Makerspace is for you.

A makerspace is a place where people come together to create or invent things, either using traditional crafts or technology. At the AlphaPlus Educator Makerspace, we combine the craft of teaching with newer technologies to make things that elevate teaching and learning. 

Each year we choose a theme and a technology that matches that theme. This year our theme is Empowered Learning and our technology is H5P, an activity creation tool. We will create interactive activities from your favourite resources or you can choose a resource from our Open Education Resources library.

You will attend six 90-minute online workshops at a time that works for our group to

  • learn to use an activity creation tool
  • create dynamic activities that provide learners with choice and feedback 
  • learn about how to find, evaluate and adapt Open Education Resources
  • assess the makerspace experience as a possible practice in your own teaching

Learn more about makerspaces and our plans for the Fall here: The AlphaPlus Educator Makerspace.

Join us starting October 16 to exercise your creativity in a facilitated, collaborative environment.

Here is what participants said about Makerspace 2022:

  • The stimulation of being in a group of curious, congenial educators/lifelong learners; the access to an excellently curated bank of resources and expert coaching thanks to Guylaine and Tracey; the flexibility of project direction, pacing and final product deadline, which in my case likely made the difference between not finishing and creating something I was happy to share.
  • The Wayfinder’s experience is an ongoing mission, as part of a fun and motley crew, to discover what is important and what is needed in my work with adult learners. The chance to experiment with tools that can make a true difference in my practice. The opportunity to uncover, connect with, and share the stories of our teaching and learning.
  • It is a guide or a map for processing your understanding, beliefs and ideas about educating and learning. It provides a flexible structure, plenty of resources or tools, and questions that inspire reflection about why you do what you do, and how you do it… some ways it is a means to creatively evaluate your own “process” and present it to others.
  • I’m really grateful for the chance to participate in this program.  It has definitely helped me feel less isolated as an educator, and more aware and a part of the professional literacy network across Ontario. Also, viewing this experience as an adult learner, this was one of the few times I have felt fully supported and accommodated in a learning project, based on my own needs, preferences, and life situation, which is hilariously ironic but a big factor in my enjoyment and the quality of my outcomes.

Take advantage of our FREE, customized digital technology support 

Are you looking for ideas, guidance or tips when it comes to using or implementing digital technology in your program? 

Our coaching team can help you and your team quickly identify technologies and tools that suit your unique needs and can help programs improve administrative processes while keeping in touch with learners. We will work with you to identify your specific expectations and build a work/training plan that will work with your and your team’s schedule.

The support we received from AlphaPlus has enabled our small organization to manage most of our own digital needs without needing to find money to pay outside organizations or contractors. From email migration, to website, to Google Classroom and Workspace, no ground has gone untouched, and we are forever grateful!

I highly recommend this coaching program to any organization who wants to be more efficient and have more control and confidence in their digital spaces!
” – 2022/2023 coaching participant

No question is too big or too small! Our coaching engagements can be quick and short (one or two meetings or training sessions) or we can work with you throughout the entire fiscal year to help you explore tools and ideas that fit your specific needs. 

 Our coaching team can help you:

  • Adopt blended learning approaches and use digital technology resources to enhance the education experience.
  • Improve technology use to simplify and streamline administrative tasks.
  • Improve the integration of technology in teaching and assessment practices.
  • Identify short-term digital technology goals that you can achieve this year. 
  • Plan for longer-term goals that can be achieved in stages.

We look forward to hearing from you! Simply reach out to

to let us know how we might be able to help. 

Learn morearrow

The Educator Network Applying the Google Toolbox program is a series reflective-practice workshops for people who participated in the Building Digital Skills with Google workshops. We take a deeper dive into the features and functions that you think are most relevant to your practice and support each other as we apply these new possibilities by co-creating activities and lessons.

Our first check in and planning sessions are on May 16 (2:30 – 4:00) and 17 (6:30-8:00). If you participated in one of the Winter 2023 Introduction to the Google Workspace and Google Applied Skills series, contact Tracey to find our more.

Here is what we have planned for our opening discussion:

Slide Deck: Check in, Planning and Foundational Skillsarrow right
Register for May 16 2:30-4:00arrow right
Register for May 17 6:30-8:00arrow right